SHM Sends Letter in Support of Restored Funding for CHIP.pdf
SHM Sends Letter in Support of Restored Funding for CHIP
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SHM Sends Letter in Support of Restored Funding for CHIP
SHM submits comments to the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) committee in response to their request for stakeholder suggestions to lower the overall cost of healthcare. Our
SHM Supports Conrad State 30 Reauthorization, which would extend access to physicians in underserved areas _blank
SHM submitted comments to the Senate Committee on Finance's official record following the hearing "Medicare Physician Payment Reform After Two Years: Examining MACRA Implementation and the
SHM Signs Coalition Letter Urging the House to Include Observation Reform in Surprise Billing Legislation _blank
SHM Comments on 2016 Inpatient Prospective Payment System Proposed Rule _blank
SHM Signs onto AHRQ Multi-Stakeholder Letter to House and Senate (house)
SHM Submits Comments on Proposed IPPS
Two-Midnight Letter Final _blank
SHM Comments on Implementation of Advanced BPCI _blank