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Terms and Conditions of Use TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE SOCIETY OF HOSPITAL MEDICINE WEBSITES By accessing or using any of the Society of Hospital Medicine ("SHM") Internet properties
View SHM’ CME Mission Statement. SHM provides educational resources that promote professional growth, and exceptional care for hospitalized patients.
Explore SHM's Clinical Quick Talks. A repository of brief educational talks that medical educators might find useful in training the next generation of hospitalists.
Recertify with the program that best reflects your day-to-day practice. Internal medicine is a broad spectrum covering many different practice areas; The Focused Practice in Hospital Medicine
SHM invites you to review highlights in education, advocacy, and publications over 2022.
Meet the staff behind the scenes at the Society of Hospital Medicine.
Read SHM's Grassroots Newsletter of Fall/Winter 2018. In this newsletter: Rule Season Refresh, Inpatient Prospective Payment System Proposed Rule, Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule,
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SHM is dedicated to supporting hospitalists during the COVID-19 pandemic. We will be continually updating this webpage with resources and information developed by hospitalists and by other