Substance Use Disorders Special Interest Group
This group aims to both increase awareness about and improve the quality of care provided to hospitalized patients with substance use disorders. Visit hmxchange.org to join the discussion.
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This group aims to both increase awareness about and improve the quality of care provided to hospitalized patients with substance use disorders. Visit hmxchange.org to join the discussion.
This community facilitates the sharing of resources and supports collaboration around quality improvement and patient safety programs.Visit hmxchange.org to join the discussion. Quality
Network with colleagues to find solutions to challenges in unique practice environments in underserved locations. Visit hmxchange.org to join the discussion. Rural Hospitalist Special Interest
Visit hmxchange.org to join the discussion. Interdisciplinary Rounding
HM20 Scientific Abstract ePoster HM20 Scientific Abstract ePoster
Michigan Chapter Meeting - Bloomfield Hils Michigan Chapter Meeting - Bloomfield Hills
Michigan Chapter Meeting - Grand Rapids Michigan Chapter Meeting - Grand Rapids
Michigan Chapter Meeting - Bay Harbor Michigan Chapter Meeting - Bay Harbor
Michigan Chapter Meeting Auburn Hills Michigan Chapter Meeting Auburn Hills
Michigan Chapter Meeting - Ann Arbor Michigan Chapter Meeting - Ann Arbor