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Displaying 231 - 240 of 255 results for

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SHM Resident/Fellow member

Physicians, Physician Assistants, and Nurse Practitioners in residency and fellowship programs. Physician residents or fellows: Select PGY1, PGY2, or PGY3. Physician Assistant & Nurse

SHM Student Membership

Student memberships are intended for individuals enrolled in accredited medical programs. Because credentials must be checked by SHM staff, student memberships are not active for 1-2 business

Family Medicine Special Interest Group

 Network, learn, discuss training, share best practices and challenges and discuss trends related to hospitalists trained in family medicine. Visit to join the discussion.

Kansas Chapter Exhibit

Exhibit space at an upcoming Kansas chapter meeting.  Please refer to your signed exhibitor agreement for the date, location, and exhibitor policy. <?xml:namespace prefix = "o"

Hawaii Chapter Exhibit

Exhibit space at an upcoming Hawaii chapter meeting.  Please refer to your signed exhibitor agreement for the date, location, and exhibitor policy. <?xml:namespace prefix = "o"

Iowa Chapter Exhibit

Exhibit space at an upcoming Iowa chapter meeting.  Please refer to your signed exhibitor agreement for the date, location, and exhibitor policy. <?xml:namespace prefix = "o"

Palliative Care Special Interest Group

Network with hospitalists providing palliative care to share experiences, challenges and training opportunities. Visit to join the discussion. Palliative Care Special Interest Group