Check out SHM's JHMChats. Earn CME & discuss hospital medicine research from wherever you are.
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Check out SHM's JHMChats. Earn CME & discuss hospital medicine research from wherever you are.
Don’t miss the opportunity to virtually experience sessions from the most popular tracks (Rapid Fire, Clinical Updates, and High-Value Care) that were intended to be presented onsite at HM20.
SHM is proud to announce that our annual conference, formally known as Hospital Medicine 2021, has been reimagined to offer you a fully digital experience. Join us for this exciting new
Thank You Thank you for your support of the SHM, APA, AAP, and our Pediatric Hospital Medicine meeting – and most importantly, for your dedication to excellence in patient care.
Awards of Excellence Application Form
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TestSOHM Test Original
The State of Hospital Medicine (SoHM) Survey takes a snapshot of what is happening in hospital medicine groups around the country. The results provide critical information for groups to make
QSEA provides medical educators with the knowledge, skills and confidence to develop curricula that will educate and engage residents or students in quality improvement and patient safety.