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Welcome to SHM New Members Benefits and tips for new SHM members
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Welcome to SHM New Members Benefits and tips for new SHM members
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) COPD | Clinical Topics The Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) guide is an online resource reviewed by COPD Guide Project Team available
SHM understands that hospitalists require additional strategies to safely and adequately manage pain in hospitalized patients and has created resources to help them.
SHM equips hospitalists with resources to prescribe, document, and reconcile medications accurately and safely at care transitions.
Utilization Management and Clinical Documentation for Hospitalists walks participants through common diagnoses in hospital medicine to illustrate clinical documentation and status determinations
QPP QPP | Quality Payment Program View the Society of Hospital Medicine's information and resources for hospitalists surrounding MACRA. You Might Also Like 2108
View SHM’s Letters to Policymakers where we provide feedback and expertise on legislative regulations that affect hospital medicine and healthcare at large.
SHM provides a Legislative Action Center to understand current policy issues and reach out to your congress member quickly and easily.
SHM’s State of Hospital Medicine Report provides data on average hospitalist compensation, hospital medicine group size, and typical operations. Learn how to participate and purchase.
Learn about the current issues within SHM’s advocacy scope such as MACRA and Observation Status. View resources and learn about the latest updates.