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SHM Signs Letters Voicing Concerns About the Implementation of MU Stage 3

November 02, 2015

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On behalf of the undersigned state and national medical specialty organizations, we are writing to express our strong concerns with the decision by the Administration to move ahead with implementation of Stage 3 of the Meaningful Use program despite the widespread failure of Stage 2. While the overall goal established by Congress in the HITECH Act, namely to promote widespread adoption of electronic health records by physicians and hospitals, has largely been achieved, the Stage 3 requirements are inconsistent with the goal of promoting better coordinated and high quality patient care. Congressional action to refocus this program is urgently needed before physicians, frustrated by the near impossibility of compliance with meaningless and ill-informed bureaucratic requirements, abandon the program completely.

Congress enacted the HITECH Act with the best of intentions and, in large part, the goals of the law have been achieved. In 2001, only 18% of physicians used electronic health records. Today, more than 80% have them. This was due in part to federal incentives, which helped to offset a portion of the cost of acquiring and operating the technology. However, as the regulatory scheme to measure “meaningful use” of this technology has evolved, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has continued to layer requirement on top of requirement, usually without any real understanding of the way health care is delivered at the exam room level. What has emerged from this morass of regulation is a system that relegates physicians to the role of data entry clerks, filling the patient record with unnecessary documentation requirements unrelated to the provision of quality care. In addition, the program has failed to focus on interoperability and has instead created new barriers to easily exchanging data and information across care settings.

The regulatory scheme developed by CMS envisioned three stages of increasingly onerous requirements for participants to demonstrate that they were “meaningful users” of the technology and to avoid reductions in Medicare reimbursements. Stage 2 of this program has largely been a failure, with only 12% of physicians successfully participating and little improvement in data exchange across care settings. CMS recently released modifications to Stage 2 to make modest improvements, though some new requirements will cause still more physicians to fail. Simultaneously CMS laid out more challenging requirements for Stage 3. Rather than build on the modest improvements made to Stage 2, CMS reverted back to the same fundamental flaws in the previous version of the program by focusing heavily on measure thresholds and excessive documentation requirements rather than improving interoperability. Relying so heavily on the failed construct of Stage 2 will only guarantee continued failure in Stage 3.

Stakeholders have urged the Administration to take a different path to achieving the vision originally laid out by Congress in the HITECH Act. We believe that the success of the program hinges on a laser-like focus on promoting interoperability and allowing innovation to flourish as vendors respond to the demands of physicians and hospitals rather than the current system where vendors must meet the ill-informed check-the-box requirements of the current program.
The Administration has not responded to this need and instead has chosen to perpetuate the current failed program through the release of Stage 3 Meaningful Use. It is unrealistic to expect that doing the same thing over and over again will result in a different outcome. We believe, therefore, that it is time for Congress to act to refocus the Meaningful Use program on the goal of achieving a truly interoperable system of electronic health records that will support, rather than hinder, the delivery of high quality care.


American Medical Association
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