SHM Submits Comments on CY 2015 Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule
SHM Submits Comments on Proposals for Implementation of the Sunshine Act, PQRS and the Physician Value-Based Payment Modifier
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SHM Submits Comments on Proposals for Implementation of the Sunshine Act, PQRS and the Physician Value-Based Payment Modifier
SHM Provides Feedback to CMS about Performance Measures included in the List of Measures Under Consideration December 2013
Along with IDSA, ACEP, and SCCM, SHM collaborated on a letter discussing concerns around a sepsis quality measure.
SHM comments on the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System’s proposed changes to the 2-Midnight rule.
SHM signs onto letter to CMS, alongside coalition of 22 organizations, stating support for antibiotic stewardship provisions in the Hospital and Critical Access Hospital Conditions of
SHM submits the following comments on CMS-5516-P Medicare Program; Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Payment Model for Acute Care Hospitals Furnishing Lower Extremity Joint Replacement
SHM Public Policy Committee Provides Suggestions to CMS on Implementing the Two-Midnight Rule.
With the upcoming release of the proposed rule regarding implementation of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA), we are writing to ensure that activities in the private sector
Along with other organizations, SHM signs onto letter in support of voluntary advance care planning.
SHM submitted comments to CMS surrounding the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA), that replaced the SGR and makes changes to physician payment.