Hospitalist Testifies before United States Senate Special Committee on Aging
Admitted or Not? The Impact of Medicare Observation Status on Seniors
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Admitted or Not? The Impact of Medicare Observation Status on Seniors
SHM submitted comments on this proposed rule as it will expend significant requirements onto hospitals if finalized.
SHM and SHM Chapters join over 600 Other Organizations in Letter to Congressional Leaders Urging a Long-Term solution to the SGR and Continued the Momentum on H.R.4015/S. 2000
Hear about quality improvement successes your colleagues are realizing at their home institutions and more about how SHM's Center for Quality Improvement can help you introduce the same
SHM deplores the negative impact of racism in our nation and will always strive to remedy racial inequities in our healthcare system. Racism in our society cannot be ignored. Nor will SHM ignore
View SHM's Center for Quality Improvement's webinar presented by top performing hospitals in the GC eQUIPs Program and how the program helped them to improve inpatient care.
The Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) is committed to promoting improved antibiotic prescribing behaviors among the nation's hospitalists.
Lynn Byrne, Director of Pharmacy at Kindred Healthcare talks to antibiotic stewardship in hospitals and how Kindred hospital is banning together to take the steps in fighting the resistance.
Eric Howell, MD, SFHM addresses the importance of SHM's Fight the Resistance campaign.
MARQUIS Med Rec Collaboration Site Story Site Story on SHM's Medication Reconciliation (MARQUIS) Implementation Program - Jeff Schnipper 8/24/2017 4:00:00 AM