SHM Comments on Medicare’s OPPS Changes to Two-Midnight Rule
SHM comments on the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System’s proposed changes to the 2-Midnight rule.
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SHM comments on the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System’s proposed changes to the 2-Midnight rule.
The Improving Access to Medicare Coverage Act will count observation status patients as inpatient to count for the 3 Day SNF requirement.
SHM supports the Senate reintroduction of the Improving Access to Medicare Coverage Act. This legislation will count all time spent under observation towards Medicare's three-day stay
SHM Public Policy Committee Provides Suggestions to CMS on Implementing the Two-Midnight Rule.
SHM joined other members of the Observation Coalition in commenting on the proposed appeals process for patients who were admitted as an inpatient and retroactively designated under outpatient.
CMS has submitted comments regarding the proposed appeals process in which patients, under limited circumstances, can appeal a retroactive classification as an outpatient.
SHM submitted comments on aspects of the Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS), including updated measure sets and the NOTICE Act requirements surrounding observation status.
SHM submits comments to the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) committee in response to their request for stakeholder suggestions to lower the overall cost of healthcare. Our
SHM and thirty three other organizations joined a multi-stakeholder effort in support of legislation that will count time spent in observation towards Medicare's three day inpatient stay
Comments Cover Evolving Policy on the Readmissions Reduction Program, Hospital Value Based Purchasing and Inpatient Admissions Decisions.